Our Location

      2815 Lexington Ave.,

      Ashland, KY 41101

      Snowball Facial

      The Snowball Facial was the original treatment developed approximately in 2000 and is now commonly known as MicroPeel. The treatment consists of a deep cleanse followed by Dermaplaning which removes the top layer of dead skin cells. Dermaplaning is achieved by using a small blunt tip surgical blade to scrape away the dead skin cells, smooth the texture and also removes the vellus hair leaving the skin baby smooth. After the Dermaplaning portion of the treatment is complete, a light to medium strength lactic, glycolic, mandalic, salicylic acid is applied to stimulate various depths of the skin and address specific skin concerns. The finishing touches are to calm the skin with select products and apply cryo therapy. Cryo Therapy is using a dry ice mixture with a specific technique to calm and close the skin. This Snowball Facial is designed to reduce brown spots, fine lines, and boost the skin’s cellular regeneration rate leaving a beautiful radiant glow. This treatments is ideal for those who suffer from Rosacea and sensitive skin.

      Snowball Facial Ashland KY  - Before & After Treatment

      Serving the Ashland KY, Huntington WV and Portsmouth OH Tri-State Area!

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What Happens Before a Snowball Facial?

      Before a Snowball Facial, the patient should avoid Dermal Fillers or Botox injections for 10-14 days before the treatment. Before receiving treatment, the patient should be off Retinol and exfoliation products for 5-7 days. No tanning bed or sun for 7 days prior to the treatment.

      What Happens Post-Care for Snowball Facial?

      There is no downtime for this dermaplaning treatment. The patient's skin may be a little pink for thirty minutes to one day. Makeup can be applied after treatment; however, there should be no tanning through the natural sun or tanning bed for up to 72 hours.

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