Our Location

      2815 Lexington Ave.,

      Ashland, KY 41101

      IPL Fotofacial Laser

      IPL Skin Rejuvenation Laser will safely and comfortably fade the appearance of skin imperfections caused by the sun, and uneven skin tones cause by brown spots, acne, veins, and age spots.

      Serving the Ashland KY, Huntington WV and Portsmouth OH Tri-State Area!

      IP Fotofacial Ashland KY - Before Treatment


      IP Fotofacial Ashland KY - After Treatment


      IP Fotofacial Ashland KY - Before Treatment


      IP Fotofacial Ashland KY - After Treatment


      Frequently Asked Questions

      How Does the IPL Fotofacial Laser Work?

      The IPL laser uses a mixture of many wavelengths of light and bi-polar radio frequencies that work beneath the skin's surface to reduce brown spots, discoloration, redness, and broken capillaries. The IPL works as an agent to help pull the age spots to the top layers of the skin. Within 3-5 treatments, the area treated can be significantly lightened or removed. The IPL has the ability to help minimize fine lines and discolorations, while improving the overall skin texture with no down time. This treatment is effective for almost all skin types.

      When Can I Expect to See Results?

      Gradual and cumulative improvement of the skin tone is typically achieved in five treatment sessions. The total number of required treatment sessions depends on your skin's condition.

      Is It Comfortable?

      Cooling of the skin surface ensures additional safety during treatment. There is no downtime and many patients return to normal activities immediately after treatment.

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