Clear Complexion Facial is beginning to revolutionize the treatment of acne, blackheads, whiteheads, hormonal acne, clogged pores, and large pores to help maintain and achieve beautifully clear skin. Treatment of acne is extremely varied from patient to patient. Sun exposure is known to have a beneficial effect on giving acne patients clear skin but at the same time there is the chance of hypo-pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation. We use a visible IPL (Intense Pulse Light) treatment through a mechanism similar to that of sunlight therapy with out the side effects of hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation giving you the clear skin you have always desired.
Serving the Ashland KY, Huntington WV and Portsmouth OH Tri-State Area!
Gently cleansing through massage and steam followed by a light microdermabrasion, by our specialized aesthetician. The IPL Treatment is then applied. It is effective in releasing singlet oxygen that is effective in killing bacteria, eliminating blackheads, whiteheads, hormonal acne, clogged pores, large pores and reducing the severity of acne.
Patient should stop all Retinols, Metronidazole Topical and all other oral medications which can make you sun sensitive for 7 days prior to treatment. Patient should not be in the sun or tanning bed for at least 7 days prior to treatment.
Cleanse face twice a day, including after exercise. Avoid excessive skin washing. Shampoo hair daily and keep off face. Avoid skin infections and scarring by not squeezing, scratching, picking or rubbing the pimples. Avoid greasy cosmetics and creams which add to the problems of blackheads, whiteheads, hormonal acne, clogged pores, and large pores. Only water based formulas and mineral makeup are suggested. You may apply mineral based makeup within 1 hour after treatment. Patient will need to wear sunscreen protection for 30 days to help with prevention of hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation.